Computer Science
Hessle Sixth Form College
Who is the course aimed at?
This A Level has been created to get students working with real- world programming and provides a good understanding of the fundamental principles of computing.
It focuses on the knowledge, skills and understanding that you will need to progress either to higher education or to the workplace.
The course would be suitable if you enjoyed GCSE Computer Science and gained a grade 6 or above in the subject.
What will you learn?
The topics studied on the course are:
- Programming
- Data Structures
- Algorithms
- Theory of Computation
- Data Presentation
- Computer Systems
- Computer Organisation and Architecture
- Uses of Computing – Consequences
- Communication and Networking
- Databases
- Big Data
- Functional Programming
- Problem Solving - A Systematic Approach You will also complete a computing practical project.
How will you be assessed?
80% Examination:
Paper 1 - 2 hours 30 minutes
Paper 2 - 2 hours 30 minutes
The exams will test your ability to program and your computer science theory knowledge. They will also require you to use your problem solving skills acquired during the course. The exams are marked externally.
20% Practical Project:
You will complete a computing investigation or solve a realistic problem for this project. You can choose the topic for your project from an area of computing that interests you and your aim will be to create a programmed solution.
Examples could include:
- a computer game
- a data processing problem
- an app for a mobile phone or tablet
- investigating machine learning algorithms The project is marked internally.
How will you learn?
Delivered by specialist computer science staff, teaching and learning follows a consistent approach to develop student’s knowledge, skills and understanding.
Lessons will be a combination of computer science theory together with incorporated practical activity delivered through:
- Teacher led activities and interactive teaching
- Working in groups to solve problems
- Homework tasks to consolidate new material
- Use of dedicated text books
Enrichment activities and independent learning?
There will also be the opportunity to visit a software company at the University of Hull to see how computer science affects the real world.
The experience will show you how it can support the emergency services by creating simulations for staff training.
What and where next?
Future career roles could include games developer, systems analyst, IT consultant and web designer.
More information
For more information about this course please see the specification below or contact the sixth form team.