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Wolfreton Sixth Form College

Who is the course aimed at?     

Politics in the Sixth Form is a popular and successful course, attracting students from all three Consortium schools.

It is suitable for students who especially enjoy discussion and who are interested in current affairs.

What will you learn?     

Over the two years you will study the following areas:

  • The Government in the UK: The British Constitution, structures and role of Parliament, the Prime Minister and cabinet, the judiciary and devolution.
  • The Politics of the UK: Democracy and participation, elections and referendums, political parties, pressure groups and the European Union.
  • Government and Politics in the USA: The constitutional framework of US government, Congress, the President and the Executive, the judiciary, the electoral process, political parties, pressure groups and civil rights.
  • Comparative Politics: A comparison of constitutional arrangements, the executives, the judiciaries, electoral and party systems, pressure groups and civil rights of the UK and USA.
  • Political Ideas: Core ideologies - conservatism, socialism and liberalism. Non-core ideologies - nationalism, feminism, multiculturalism, anarchism and ecologism.

How will you be assessed?         

  • Paper 1: Government and Politics of the UK
    • Written examination - 2 hours 77 marks
    • 33.3% of A Level
  • Paper 2: Government and Politics of the USA and Comparative Politics
    • Written examination - 2 hours 77 marks
    • 33.3% of A Level
  • Paper 3: Political Ideas
    • Written examination - 2 hours 77 marks
    • 33.3% of A Level

How will you learn?

Throughout the course we aim to develop independent learners with a wide variety of generic study skills. You will learn through:

  • Teacher led activities and interactive teaching introducing new material
  • Regular homework tasks to consolidate new material
  • Independent learning sessions
  • Independent research and data collection
  • Use of past examination questions and mark schemes
  • Taking part in debate and discussion
  • Working in groups including making presentations

Enrichment activities and independent learning?        

In recent years we have had visits from politicians such as current Cabinet Member and Haltemprice MP; David Davis as well as the constitutional expert Lord Norton of Louth. Both have met with students and discussed key political issues. We have also led visits to the Houses of Parliament depending on availability each year.

What or where next?    

Politics is a highly regarded academic qualification and can be used to enter a huge variety of university courses and careers. Recently, many politics students have chosen to study subjects such as law, journalism, history, criminology or politics itself.

Former students of the course are now working in careers such as political advisors in London and the European Union and also as journalists, lawyers and teachers.

More information          

For more information about this course please see the specification below or contact the sixth form team.