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Cottingham and Hessle Sixth Form College

Who is the course aimed at?     

This course is aimed at anyone wishing to further their expertise, experiences, knowledge, understanding, creativity and ability using any type of light capture device or lens.

You should have an interest in and enthusiasm for the arts and in particular exploring the use and history of photography. You should be enthusiastic, curious and inquisitive.

What will you learn?     

You will learn how to:

  • Develop and record observations, experiences, ideas, information and insights in a wide range of digital forms using digital photography techniques
  • Analyse and evaluate images, objects, artefacts and texts
  • Develop sustained investigations and explore a range of visual materials, processes and resources related to photography and lens based media
  • Present articulate, personal, coherent and informed visual responses
  • Work with a broad range of media, including traditional and new media
  • Understand the interrelationships between art, craft and design
  • Gain an awareness of different roles, functions, audiences and consumers of art, craft and design
  • Gain knowledge, understanding and application skills in contemporary and past societies and cultures

How will you be assessed?         

Personal Investigation (two elements) - 60% of A Level

A portfolio of practical work showing how your research into an area of photography or the work of an artist, photographer, film maker or animator has helped you develop your own work and techniques. The focus is on including work that shows exploration, research, acquisition of techniques and skills.

A related study: an extended written response, minimum of 1000 words

Externally Set Task - 40% of A Level

The early release paper will be issued on 1 February and will provide students with a number of themes, each with a range of written and visual starting points, briefs and stimuli. A response should be based on one of these options.

How will you learn?       

  • Teacher led activities and interactive teaching, designed to push students’ abilities
  • Teacher set ‘starting points’ designed to stimulate a creative response
  • Weekly independent learning to consolidate new concepts and consolidate coursework
  • Researching photographers, artists and sculptors to further understanding
  • Taking part in debates and discussion about the arts, media, artists and students work
  • Using past projects and exemplar work to understand how work will be assessed

Enrichment activities and independent learning?           

Departmental rooms are available outside of lesson times for practicing techniques and skills, finishing coursework or to use the more specialist equipment available. It is vital that students take the initiative to utilise all the available resources.

Students should also use self-led exposure to cultural activities, venues, and galleries to experience and observe artefacts first- hand.

Departmental staff are always available to help students if they have a specific request or interest that for whatever reason could not be addressed during normal lesson times.

What and where next?

The creative industries reach in the workplace is vast. Anything that has been designed, made to be seen or touched, has form or function in the world has been made by a person with some training in the arts. Career areas could include fashion photographer, music photographer, photojournalist/news and freelance photographer. Students who have taken our subjects have moved on to various degree courses including, fine art, illustration, architecture, photography and fashion. Foundation courses are also available for degree preparation.

More information          

For more information about this course please see the specification below or contact the sixth form team.