Lewis achieved A* in Law, A* in Geography, and an A in English Literature and will study Law at York.
Abbie achieved an A* in the Extended Project Qualification, A in History, A in Geography and A in English Literature. She will study English and History at the University of York.
Marius achieved grades A*AAC and is going to Manchester to study Physics and Maths.
Amelia achieved an A* in English Literature, As in History and Music, and a B in Psychology and will go on to study English at the University of York.
@chronicbeauty0 @Consortium6Form My son has just started at Liverpool John Moore's studying history and went to Hessle.
@Consortium6Form Fantastic evening and the students were so polite and helpful! Our youngest daughter has applied to follow in her sister footsteps!
We are excited to welcome you to Hessles Sixth Form Open Evening tonight. Come and see us from 5pm, collect a goodie bag and have a look around our campus! #HessleCampus #Ignitingfuturestogether https://t.co/n1Ap1hWcwy
ALFIE Hessle Campus student Alfie achieved A*, A, A, A in his A levels. He is now studying Computer Science at the University of Nottingham https://t.co/BUWWhFpmNX
A huge thank you to our 6th form Ambassadors for all their help last night our out Wolfreton campus Open Evening for Y11. It was lovely to see so many families at the event last night. #whatwillyoustudy #ignitingfuturestogether #wolfretoncampus https://t.co/0ddXbARcFz
Thank you to Joseph Frost, in his final year with Hull York Medical School, for launching our Future Medics scheme with some of our aspiring medics today. Their exciting journey starts from here! @HullYorkMed https://t.co/4nI03ZlGd0